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Happy Christmas From All of Us!

24 12 08 - 14:21

We at Singlefinger Speed Shop wish all of you and your families a safe & happy Holiday Season!
. Recent events in our extended family, as well as this year's economic conditions, have kept our holiday efforts focused on the things that are really important in our lives. We are truly thankful for our family, our friends, our health, & our sense of humor. These are things that may get lost or taken for granted at times in our busy lives, but we all know that life would not be complete without all of them.

Raise a glass of eggnog (spiked HARD), make a toast to those around you; "May you never forget what's important & never remember what's not."

Oh yeah... don't forget to laff at all the stupid stuff that one of yer (special) relatives is bound to come up with, again this year! (Where does he come up with that crud, anyway?)
eight comments

I’ll raise a glass to that! Let’s all have a safe and warm Christmas and New Year.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Jon (Email) - 24 12 08 - 23:07

I’ll add PROSPEROUS too!
Larry - 25 12 08 - 12:06

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